NO ENTRY FEE and $40,000.00 in cash & prizes up for grabs at the 2015 NBAA National Championship on Kentucky Lake

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Less than a week away now, the 2015 NBAA National Championship kicks off on Kentucky Lake next week at the Kentucky Dam Marina S.P. NBAA Divisions nationwide qualified team to fish their state championships in 2014 where only the top 10% of teams from each state are invited to attend the NBAA National Championship this year where $40,000.00 and cash and prizes will be awarded to the select field fishing this event. (which is more than a 10% increase in payout over 2014’s 36K in cash & prizes awarded at last years Championship)

Anyone can form a NBAA division anywhere in the US and get started today on qualifying for next years limited field, high payout event were the top prize each year is a new Ranger 178 RT with a Evinrude Outboard! Click here to get started.

You REALLY want to get your NBAA division up and running for 2015 because based on YOUR angler feedback we have DOUBLED the percentage of each state who will qualify in 2016 to the top 20%! It will still be a select group advancing and competing  in the high stakes event, which makes the odds of winning very good! It does not get much better than that!

Full schedule of event for this years event is posted in the story below this one.

2014 NBAA National Champions

Last years National Champions from Grand Lake Oklahoma Jason and Jennifer Willbur!

2015 NBAA National Championship

2012-NBAA-LogoApril 8-11, 2015 Wednesday – Saturday 

KY Lake @ KY Dam Marina State Park


Schedule of Events


There are no off limits periods before this event other than listed below.  Practice as much as you want.

Wednesday  April 8

–          4:00 pm                     All of KY Lake goes Off-Limits.  All contestants MUST be off the water at 4:00 pm CST

–          5:00 – 6:00pm           Registration for all anglers – KY Dam Village Resort Park Banquet Room



Thursday  April 9                

–          6:30am – 3:00pm     Day 1 Competition – All Anglers compete

–          3:00pm                     Weigh in at KY Dam Marina Parking lot


Friday  April 10

–          6:30am – 3:00pm     Day 2 Competition – All Anglers compete

–          3:00pm                     Weigh in at KY Dam Marina Parking lot


Saturday  April 11

–          6:30am – 3:00pm     Day 3 Competition – All Anglers compete

–          3:00pm                     Final Weigh in at KY Dam Marina Parking lot


  • There are no off limits periods before this event.  Practice as much as you want.
  • All anglers/teams will compete all three days of Thursday, Friday, Saturday
  • 5 Fish Limit per team  –    15” on largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass
  • Cumulative weight for all three days
  • No Locking
  • 1 Flights each day and flights will rotate each of the first two days and by standings on the final day
  • This is a NO ENTRY fee championship
  • There will be an optional Big fish pot at registration


Official Housing

KY Dam Village State Resort Park, 113 Administration Drive, Gilbertsville, KY 42044


Lodge Rooms – remain at $ 64.95 + taxes & fees = $ 73.61
One Bedroom – changed to $ 49.95 + taxes & fees = $ 57.07
Two Bedroom Cottages – changed to $ 64.95 = $ 73.61

The rooms and cottages are for up to two people. Taxes and the $ 2.00 non-taxable resort fee is added to the above rates.

*You MUST mention that you are fishing the NBAA Championship, when making reservations, in order to receive the group discount.  Reservations MUST be made by March 6th in order to receive a discounted rate. ALL reservations made after March 6th, will be first come, first serve at the regular rate.

For more info Contact Randy Sullivan 580.716.4261 or the national office at 580.765.9031  –

2015 NBAA National Championship, On Its Way To Back To Kentucky Lake with a Ranger Boat and Evinrude Outboard For the Top Team!

2015 NBAA National Championship, On Its Way To Back To Kentucky Lake with a Ranger Boat and Evinrude Outboard For the Top Team!


Ponca City, Okla. (December 10, 2014) – The National Bass Anglers Association, (NBAA),  announced today that Kentucky Lake and Kentucky Dam Village will host the NBAA National Championship April 9-11, 2015.

NBAA anglers nationwide have fished either the NBAA weekend series or the NBAA overtime series on their local lakes, close to home, and with a partner of their choosing and then fished their state championships in 2014 to qualify for the spring 2015 event. Currently, there are NBAA divisions in a dozen states that are attended by nearly 1000 anglers each week during peak fishing season and those numbers are growing as existing clubs and circuits are adding a NBAA division to their already scheduled events in order to qualify for the NBAA National Championship. Anyone can start a NBAA division on your home lake, fish your state championship and move on to a national championship where you could win a new Ranger boat, simply by fishing the local events you already fish and sleeping in your own bed every night! It does not get any easier or cost effective than that.

“Now is the time to start planning your own NBAA weekend or NBAA overtime division to qualify for the 2016 National Championship,” Stated, NBAA Tournament Director Randy Sullivan.  “If you want to start a NBAA overtime division which is a 12 week, 4 hour or less, evening or morning tournament or a NBAA weekend division which is a 5 event, 8 hour tournament trail near you (or add a NBAA division to your existing club or jackpot schedule you already fish) There are no minimums participation numbers2 boats or 200, everyone size event is welcome. Go to and click the link to become a NBAA division director or give us a call today.”

Either way, NBAA anglers can fish close to home the entire season and still qualify to fish a big time event once each year for big time cash and prizes like thousands in cash or a new Ranger boat!

“The NBAA national championship is the first big event of the year for many and a family vacation for most,”  Sullivan continued.  “The one thing we hear loud and clear from the NBAA anglers is they want to get out of the cold, catch some fish and start their year off right. Kentucky Lake fills that request perfectly and is a favorite stop of NBAA anglers everywhere.  There will be plenty of fish to be caught and it should be a great event for all the qualified anglers.”

NBAA is an affiliate of The Bass Federation (TBF) and America’s fastest growing team bass fishing circuit. Built for the angler who wants to fish close to home with a friend or a family member. NBAA is the premier local level, low entry fee national tournament trail in American today.

For more information go to  or contact our Senior National Tournament Director Randy Sullivan at 580.761.4261 or email



NBAA Indiana State Tournament

NBAA Indiana State Tournament Report 2014


It was a cool and blustery day on the Ohio River. All year some of the best Ohio River fisherman have struggled, so this was not going to be an easy challenge.


Arriving to vie for the State Championship were 7 teams. Fishing from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm it was just as expected a tough day on the water with only 1 limit weighed in. One team spent most of its day on the Main River, while others fished the Main river and creeks feeding the Ohio River.

Cleanest water was on the Main River. All the creeks were stained and with limited sunlight the bait was not near the surface.

Indiana State Tournament

Top Finisher:  Mark Johnson with winning weight of 6.92 lbs and the only limit.


2nd place:      Fred Von Rissen and Tim Rowe    –        4 fish – 5.26 lbs


2 Places were paid for Big Bass

Largest Big Bass was:        2.42 only fish for Todd Gadberry and Jerry Duncan

2nd Big Bass:                              2.38 by Mark Johnson



Special thanks to this year’s Sponsor:


          Dixie Marine: Ranger and Triton Dealer located in Fairfield, Oh.