LIVE Coverage of the 2025 NBAA National Championship
Member Information First & Last Name:
Mailing Address:
Zip: Age: Phone:
Email Address:
Date of Birth:
If Angler is underage (18 in most states 19 in some) please enter the name of the guardian (select no payment required in payment method below)
NBAA Directors Name:
Which Division do you fish:
For 2025! (2) Two Membership Choices. NBAA Standard at $40.00 a year and NBAA SUPER membership at $60.00 a year that also includes FULL NBAA and TBF memberships! I want
NBAA Only Standard $40NBAA Super Membership $60
Boat, Angler and Product Info
Boat Year, Make & Model (ex: 2009 Ranger Z521):
Motor Year Make & HP (ex: 2009 Mercury 250):
Trolling Motor Brand:
2025 member info
Please indicate the equipment you will use this season
Ranger BoatsBass Pro Shops & Cabela'sHummingbirdGjuiceMinnKota
How many days do you fish a year?
Check this box if you are an NBAA Director or Co-Director
If you are director select no payment required below when asked. Please note that you must first register your division before you are eligible for free membership.
Payment Method: —Please choose an option—Online (Use Pay Now Button Below)Mailing Check (Use Address Above)Fax Form with CC # (580.765.2890)No payment required
By checking this box, you are acknowledging that you have read, understand and agree to the Participant Agreement and Release of Liability Below
Participant Agreement and RELEASE OF LIABILITY