Author's posts
Montana Continues their NBAA Division for 2016
Montana is on board again for 2016. Benny Wiles will once again be the NBAA tournament Director for the Montana Weekend Challenge series for 2016. This division is a Weekend style division, consisting of several tournaments, which are eight to nine hours in length for each event. It is a pick your own partner series. …
New Jersey Has Big Plans for NBAA in 2016
Last year, Sean Combs joined the NBAA group as a new NBAA tournament director. After getting his feet wet in 2015, he has already jumped in with both feet for 2016. Sean has big plans for this year’s events. The Northeast Military Division is a Weekend style division, consisting of several tournaments,open to any and …
Illinois Returns for Another Year in NBAA
Steve Parker will be the NBAA tournament Director for the Central Illinois Summer Series for 2016. This division is a Weekend style division, consisting of five tournaments, which are eight to nine hours in length for each event. It is a pick your own partner series. Find someone you enjoy fishing with and come have …
NBAA Announces Super Bass Winners for 2015
There were a dozen winners recently from the NBAA Super Bass program for 2015. Each division fished numerous events in 2015 and each event had a Big Bass winner. After every event, the names of the team that caught the Big Bass were placed in a box. With all of the tournaments completed for 2015, …